A brand-new museum.

Not just in terms of when it was established, but also in ideas – an innovative approach is taken at the museum. We, its staff, experiment, ask questions of ourselves and visitors, and create a lively environment.Our desire is to show the world we live in and make it understandable, covering the changes it goes through and challenges it faces.

More than just a museum about the past, we look at the present and ahead to the future. The headquarters are to be former blast furnaces, numbers 4 and 6 in Ostrava-Vítkovice, which are being repurposed for a new lease of life.

Industrial modernisation, the migration of labour, the rise of digital technologies and in global communications, the climate crisis – all of this informs how people produce and consume goods, communicate, travel, think and live in Ostrava, the Czech Republic, Europe and the world as a whole. Ostrava is quite special – once a small town that was transformed “overnight” into an industrial metropolis, becoming a destination for workers and a melting pot of inhabitants, a city of coal and steel, culture and drudgery, a place probing where it’s headed to in the 21st century. The blast furnaces shall represent the positive and darker sides of these changes, permitting staff and visitors the chance to consider how the future may unfold.

What is the museum of the present and the future?

Our world has changed and continues to do so. Industrial modernisation, the migration of labour, the rise of digital technologies and in global communications, the climate crisis – all of this informs how people produce and consume goods, communicate, travel, think and live in Ostrava, the Czech Republic, Europe and the world as a whole.

Ostrava is quite special - once a small town that was transformed “overnight” into an industrial metropolis, becoming a destination for workers and a melting pot of inhabitants, a city of coal and steel, culture and drudgery, a place probing where it’s headed to in the 21st century. The blast furnaces shall represent the positive and darker sides of these changes, permitting staff and visitors the chance to consider how the future may unfold

MUSEum+ is going to be a place for exhibits and exhibitions, collections and research, a venue for creativity, participation and education, and a forum for diverse opinions, concerns, wishes and hopes. The museum will host creative workshops and incubators accessible to professionals and the wider public.

MUSEum+ shall invite curators from home and abroad to oversee projects that make it a location for reflection, knowledge-sharing and professional education in museum studies. MUSEum+ is a state-funded organisation under the administration of the Czech Ministry of Culture. The endeavour to save and repurpose the blast furnaces forms part of the revitalisation of the structurally affected region.The museum is inspired by venues such as the Ars Electronica Center in Linz, Futurium in Berlin, Museum of Tomorrow in Rio de Janeiro and the Zollverein complex in Essen.

Naší inspirací jsou muzea jako Ars Electronica Center v Linci, berlínské Futurium, Museum of Tomorrow v Rio de Janeiru či areál Zollverein v Essen.

Every customer receives:
1hr personalised design consultation
5 custom 3D room visualisations
Unlimited iterations as standard
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Milestones of the project

October 2019
A document signed by and between the Czech Ministry of Culture, the Moravian-Silesian Region, the City of Ostrava and Dolní oblast Vítkovice, z.s. – the entity that manages the industrial complex in Ostrava that’s been turned into an educational, cultural and social centre. Its scope is to refurbish a national cultural monument and establish MUSEum+ as a state-funded organisation

March 2020
Conceptual study completed for the planned MUSEum+, including expert feedback.

8 April 2021

The Ministry of Culture establishes the state-funded organisation MUSEum+ (founding charter)

June 2021

Inclusion among strategic projects up for consideration in the Just Transition Fund

November 2021

Work commenced on the architectural study and preparation of a full feasibility study

What we are working on

Our project has been included among other strategic ones competing for sponsorship by the Just Transition Fund. If successful, we shall by 2027 start planning to revitalise the blast furnaces and lend them a new purpose. The preparatory phase of the architectural study is presently underway.

3D scans of the number 4 and 6 blast furnaces have been made, along with the casting hall between them. The outcome will be a 3D informational model of the building (BIM).

The organisation has joined two international consortia to apply for support under Horizon Europe research projects (Pilgrim and xR4ART).

We are devising a concept for the museum – its exhibits, collections, educational programmes and creative laboratory. This will be outlined to the public and open debates shall take place about it.

We’re teaming up with the Colours of Ostrava festival in July 2022.

The museum will be presented at the 26th General Conference of the International Council of Museums (ICOM) in August 2022 in Prague, and attendees from across the world are to be invited to Dolní Vítkovice for a tour.

We are also preparing for a formal discussion to coincide with the 20th anniversary of declaration of Dolní Vítkovice industrial zone as a national cultural heritage monument, in addition to a related exhibition.

Every customer receives:
1hr personalised design consultation
5 custom 3D room visualisations
Unlimited iterations as standard
View projects

MUSEum+ will be amuseum reflecting and documenting the changing world. It will be museum ofcreativity, contacts, and inspiration.

Dolní Vítkovice

A few pictures from the location of the future museum +

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